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Emulations - In the Style Of …

Joker by Duane Flatmo

Joker by Duane Flatmo

The Ink People’s Tuxford Gallery presents “Emulations,” an exhibition of artists influenced by the mass creation of the 20th Century.  The 20th Century saw a rapid and fruitful evolution of visual arts around the world. In this show, artists will directly emulate a particular artist of the previous hundred years.  Opening on Saturday, June 1st at Arts Alive! 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at 525 7th Street in Eureka, and continuing until June 29th.

Modern Art truly blossomed in the years between 1900 and 2000. From Matisse to O’Keeffe. From Gaudi to Guerrilla Girls. The world of art exploded into the unknown during the last century and its influence over all modern artists can not be denied. Within “Emulations” Ink People artists choose to bring a direct connection from the past to the present as artists of the modern age demonstrate their influence from the 20th Century. Leaping into the unknown (just as their predecessors did) the artists presented will describe that which can not be put to words.

Often demonized as a digression by the purveyors of classical art; modern art from the Twentieth Century has nevertheless been absorbed into everyday life. So, common is it, that many people don’t even notice it on the walls of a hotel or a dentist office. It is simply a background decoration to most.  Yet, the truth of those pieces (reproduced for incidental wall-filler) is that the originals were ground-breaking, riot-inducing masterpieces. So, visceral, rude, and sensual were those creations that they changed the very nature of human expression.

Regardless of what part of the industrialized world you may have originated from, it would have been nearly impossible not have been subconsciously influenced by the art of the Twentieth Century. Just as the world progressed from an agrarian horse and buggy form of society to a digital means of commerce and communication. Art changed into a means of pure expression. No longer did humans attempt to attain that perfected human mirror of the Renaissance when they found that the real human expression was sometimes awkward, gritty, and even beautiful because of its flaws.

“Emulations” is how we all absorb and return that which changed our perspective on the universe. At the Brenda Tuxford Gallery on the First of June 2019, it will be demonstrated that the creations of the 20th Century continue to influence and produce the work of our present and future view of the universe.

Earlier Event: May 4
Open Studios Showcase
Later Event: July 6
Floating Worlds