Field Guide to a Crisis
“Field Guide to a Crisis: Strategies for Survival From People in Recovery”
Brenda Tuxford Gallery
Saturday, June 3 - Friday, July 28, 2023
Exhibition Programming
Workshop sessions meeting at Old Town Print Lab
July 8
July 15
July 22: zine making (3 hr)
Artists Talk: date in July TBD.
"Field Guide to a Crisis: Strategies for Survival From People in Recovery" opens Saturday, June 3rd at the Ink People’s Brenda Tuxford Gallery at 422 First Street in Eureka, during Arts Alive.
Conceived as a companion to the exhibition that is currently on view at Morris Graves Museum of Art, this exhibition is an ongoing, socially engaged art project challenging viewers to re-think the voices that are elevated in times of crisis. It functions as a teacher's training tool by mentoring people residing in sober living homes in Eureka, CA to become “educators in resiliency.” Participants get the opportunity to identify, present, and teach their own crisis resilience skills through lesson plans, instructional videos, and public presentations. The program aims to build confidence, self-esteem, and resilience in its participants by uplifting lived experience to the status of expert knowledge. “Traditionally, society turns away from people dealing with a substance abuse disorder out of projected shame," project creator Justin Maxon writes. "FG flips this historic narrative by repositioning people in recovery as experts in navigating crisis.”
In addition to being on view during Arts Alive events on Saturday, June 3 and Saturday, July 1, the exhibition will be on view at Brenda Tuxford Gallery on Thursdays and Fridays, 12-5 pm, between June 3 and July 28.

Stand Up and Be Counted
The show revolves around the PBS documentary series Muhammad Ali, which premiered across the nation in September.
"Stand Up and Be Counted" seeks submissions of visual art and poetry works from youth ages 13-18 and adults. Entries will be accepted online through November 19, 2021. The exhibition will go live at the Brenda Tuxford Gallery in January 2022.
Submission should use one of Ali's quotes or one of his Six Core Principles as inspiration for your work.
The size or length of your piece does not matter because the gallery is online.
We need your name, title of your piece, and a brief description of the prompt you used.
By submitting your piece, you are allowing KEET-TV, Ink People Center for the Arts, and Word Humboldt to use your submission on social media platforms and in the local media.
Ali’s Six Core Principles:
Confidence: Belief in oneself, one's abilities, and one's future.
Conviction: A firm belief that gives one the courage to stand behind that belief despite the pressure to do otherwise.
Dedication: The act of devoting all of one's energy, effort, and abilities to a certain task.
Giving: To present voluntarily without expecting anything in return.
Respect: Esteem for or a sense of worth or excellence of one's self.
Spirituality: A sense of awe, reverence, and inner peace. Inspired by an inner connection to all creation and/or that which is greater than oneself.
Some of Ali’s Quotes:
It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe.
There are billions of people in the world, and every one of them is special.
No one else in the world is like you.
Enjoy your children, even when they don't act the way you want them to.
A man who has no imagination has no wings.
The one without dreams is the one without wings.
You're not going to enjoy every minute of the journey, but the success you'll find at the end will make it all worth it.
Whoever knocks persistently, ends by entering.
There's nothing wrong with getting knocked down, as long as you get right back up.
Ali was a cultural icon, and he could be a lightning rod for criticism. Loved by many, he was criticized by some for choices that included joining the Nation of Islam and refusing induction into the United States Army. "Ali is rightly celebrated for his athleticism in the ring," said Sarah Burns, "but he was equally heroic in his willingness to stand up for what he believed was right."
Corporate funding for MUHAMMAD ALI was provided by Bank of America. Major funding was provided by David M. Rubenstein. Major funding was also provided by The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and by The Better Angels Society and by its members Alan and Marcia Docter; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tudor Jones; The Fullerton Family Charitable Fund; Gilchrist and Amy Berg; The Brooke Brown Barzun Philanthropic Foundation, The Owsley Brown III Philanthropic Foundation and The Augusta Brown Holland Philanthropic Foundation; Perry and Donna Golkin; John and Leslie McQuown; John and Catherine Debs; Fred and Donna Seigel; Susan and John Wieland; Stuart and Joanna Brown; Diane and Hal Brierley; Fiddlehead Fund; Rocco and Debby Landesman; McCloskey Family Charitable Trust; Mauree Jane and Mark Perry; and Donna and Richard Strong. And by viewers like you.

The Gestation Project
"The Gestation Project is an exhibition of art about any and all things related to child rearing and the perils of modern life: from personal lifestyle choices, to relationship dynamics, family dynamics, eugenics, art practice, and personhood."
—Taylor Snowberger, exhibition curator
Participating Artists: Katy Warner, Taylor Snowberger, Emily Orth, Emily Nebenzahl, Holly Hilgenberg, Patrick Garcia, Violet Crabtree, and Leslie Castellano.
The Gestation Project is made possible by a 2020 FAR grant, administered by Ink People Center for the Arts.
Inspiring Girls
Ink People's Annual Color Show: Metallic
A Virtual Show to kick off 2021.
Copper and pewter. Steel and chrome. Traps and grills. Silver and gold. The bling and the mirage. The platinum level. The shiny crayons. It’s industry and androids. It’s the future and the past. It’s the color of your skin….
Deadline for submission: 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Metallic Show
Artists' Challenge
Artists had 30 days to create 15 original works of art culminating in a giant “off the wall” benefit sale just in time for the holiday season.
Items will be in the Virtual Gallery for online viewing and purchase: Fri., Dec. 4- Sat., Dec. 19. Call 442-8413 or email inkers@inkpeople.org for more information.
Items can be shipped (via USPS Priority Mail with tracking) or picked up in Eureka. Please contact inkers@inkpeople.org for questions about local delivery.
The Artists’ Challenge is one of many Ink People members shows in the Brenda Tuxford Gallery. To become an Ink People Member, click here.
Artists’ Challenge Virtual Gallery & Web Store
Launches at Noon on Friday, December 4, 2020
A classic Ink People show! The Tuxford Gallery will once again invite our members to compete in a juried show of masks. Cash prizes for masks in two categories: Performance Mask and Art Mask, plus Best of Show.
In the Gallery: Sat., Nov. 7-30, 2020, Noon-5pm BY APPOINTMENT (Call 442-8413 or email inkers@inkpeople.org to schedule appointment)
DreamMaker Project Trajectory is a career development program for visual, performing, and literary artists and fine artisans with disabilities. Opening at Arts Alive! Saturday, July 4th, the Tuxford Gallery will host some of these artists to share their unique works and stories, as well as an opportunity to get to know the Trajectory project its self.
Tiny Art
People love tiny art in a big way! This Ink People benefit show will feature a wide variety of artists working in miniature.
Subscribe to Ink News to receive artist calls as they become available.
North Coast Open Studios Event Showcase
Lynn Jones in her studio - picture by Monica Topping
During the month of May, the Tuxford Gallery will feature a sampling of work from the artists participating in North Coast Open Studios 2020. Preview their eclectic styles, and plan your NCOS 2020 adventure.
Open Studios is a county-wide studio crawl where hundreds of artists open their shared or private work spaces to the public. See artists in their natural habitats, find unique art and crafts for purchase, and witness arts in action, during studio demonstrations.
Gallery show opens Arts Alive May 2, 2020, continuing until May 30th.
The North Coast Open Studios event runs for two weekends, June 6th/7th & 13th/14th with some studios opening for a special early day on Friday June 5th.
To find out more about Open Studios, visit their website:
Inspiring Girls
“I’ve Got Something To Tell You, But I Don’t Think That I Can” by Laura Krueger
Call for Art:
Inspiring Girls
An open art exhibition celebrating the inspiring women in our lives in honor of International Women’s Day
The art drop off details:* Art is welcome from community artists, any medium, however, artwork must be gallery ready to hang or stand upon drop off. * 30% of sales are donated to North Star Quest Camp* Drop off artworks between Tuesday, March 4th, and Wednesday, March 5th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at The Ink People, 525 7th St, Eureka* Please join us for our opening reception during Arts Alive! Saturday, March 7th, 6-9 p.m. in the Brenda Tuxford Gallery at The Ink People’s main headquarters* For more information: blue.laroo@gmail.com or call Ink People, (707) 442-8413* North Star Quest Camp for Adolescent Girls is a DreamMaker Program of the Ink People Center for the ArtsArtwork by Laura Krueger “I’ve Got Something To Tell You, But I Don’t Think That I Can”