Lost Coast Pride provides Queer spaces and events in the Eel River Valley.
Read MoreThis movement was and shall remain to be known as the Neo Evolutionary Logic Project (NEVLO Project). Inspired greatly by the arts of antiquity, the word neo derives from the Greek word neos, which means new; giving us yet another way to phrase something familiar as something different. It is from the very root of this movement's title that language, history, creation have a platform for which to teach us new ways of activating our artful-logic.
Read MoreWe are a civic group dedicated to engaging young adults in improving Eureka and making it a more appealing place to live. Our primary value is retention of young people and creation of opportunity in our community.
Read MoreThe Mission of Redwood Pride is to organize events and activities throughout the year that foster a sense of community, safety, and a culture of understanding among the LGBTQIA+ and allied members of Humboldt and surrounding counties.
Read MoreThe sustainable Village is a 21st Century style agrarian craft based village providing homes and employment to all in need and/or who so wish? Empowering the majority by collaboratively producing the necessities of life via a network of sustainable villages!
Read MoreTae Kwon Do with Travis provides self defense training and cultural enrichment to the county of Humboldt through the art of Tae Kwon Do on a sliding fee scale, so that nobody is turned away for lack of funds.
Read MoreWhich Way the Wind engages the Humboldt Community through the arts to advocate and support actions for peace and increase awareness of the perils and costs of nuclear weapons and global climate threats.
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