Project Verse
Project Verse has a simple mission. Poetry.
Poetry is for anyone who has been silenced by their circumstances. Poetry opens us, gives voice to our feelings, and helps build up communities. For a person who has become isolated, whether through incarceration, social, mental health, or economic factors, the act of learning to write and appreciate poetry can be life-changing. It is our mission to cultivate awareness of the power of self-discovery and healing through the linguistic, artistic expression of feelings that a poem offers. Poetry is available to anyone, anywhere by way of a little encouragement, skill building, and the diligence to practice.
“the HEAD, by way of the EAR, to the SYLLABLE the HEART, by way of the BREATH, to the LINE ”
Currently, Project Verse collaborates with a JumpstArt Grant, through The Ink People Center for the Arts, bringing the language skills, craft, and self-discovery of poetry to at-risk youth of Humboldt County. We teach poetry workshops in Humboldt Juvenile Detention as well as at The Ink People offices as part of the Marz Project Team.
Please consider donating to help support our mission.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Click the Donation link below.
Contact: Jenny Downs
Phone: 831-713-7933