Rachel Schlueter

What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?

Oil. Intuitively and practically it’s the vehicle I need learn from. I love its versatility, the fact that you can use it in so many ways makes it irresistible and fun.

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

Rachel Schlueter.PNG

At the beginning of consciousness…actually when I was very young my dad encouraged me to draw in his old magazines, and introduced me to his art books. He was also a painter. Public school played a big roll in my art education and appreciation as well. Chicago public schools took art education seriously. We did amazing projects, took field trips to museums and city craft houses and watched films on art history. Art connects us, I saw the truth of that when I was four years old, attending Head Start. I got to paint for the first time and it was good.

Who is your art mentor?

Stock, my husband. He imparts the wisdom of a solid work ethic combined with living the dream life, meaning absorbing nature and following you inner guidance. We draw our inspiration from everyday life and the nature we live in.

Finish this sentence: My art is my...


What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

Look into what turns you on for clues about your own artistic nature. Study and play. Read Betty Edwards: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Sit with art, it will speak to you. Be in nature. Art is Zen.

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