Laura Keenados aka Bad Cat Pomegranate

What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?

I don't do so well with picking favorites. I really like ink drawing, mixed media collage, and figure drawing in charcoal. I feel comfortable in these mediums. With ink drawing I can do just about anything from lighthearted and whimsical to controlled and serious. Mixed media collage is like a puzzle, creating a moment in time from random happenstance and materials. Figure drawing brings me back to focus and fundamental practice, which keeps my skills sharp(ish).

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

Creativity was huge in my childhood. However, I didn't really "get it" that it was important till I was older. I didn't realize I was actually halfway decent at it till late high school and college.

Who is your art mentor?

Kit Davenport and Denton Crawford were both huge in my college art life. Kit has such a direct, from-personal-experience way of teaching, and her wealth of knowledge equals her kindness and playfulness. She helped me to love what I do and encouraged me to not take anything too seriously, ya know? I had Denton at HSU, and he taught me not to be such a delicate snowflake, helped me check my ego, and as a result, I actually like critiques now. I mean, don't get me wrong, I learned serious art skills and methods from him, but so much of being an artist is knowing when to try harder and when you gotta pick your battles. Life is too short to make crappy art.

Finish this sentence: My art is my...

Soul. (Original, I know. Hah!)

What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

Practice practice practice! Make art every day. It doesn't matter if it's a doodle or a haiku. One artist I admire greatly once told me she draws every day, and ever since then, I've made it a priority to do something artistic daily. Over time you'll notice it's actually getting better. If you have the opportunity, start with the fundamentals. Work your way through that, and you'll find that you can then be free to create what's really in your head, because you have the appropriate tools in your skill set.

Do you have a website or blog you would like us to link to?

Kati Texas