Kati Texas

“Happy Cow” by Kati Texas

“Happy Cow” by Kati Texas

What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?

At heart I am a performer. My murals, sculptures and trash fashion reflect back on my background in sets, props, and costumes. But, my favorite medium will always be the unexpected. I am a painter, sculptor, muralist, singer, Kinetic Sculpture Racer, and Rutabaga Queen.

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

Growing up I was a natural ham. I wanted to be on Star Search. (Now you know how old I am. Haha.) In school, I studied sets and props, so that I could work on every play my school did whether or not I was cast in a role. My participation in the theater, in the spotlight or behind the scenes, saved my young life. With a script in my hand, I found a reason to get up each morning, a reason to pass my classes and keep my body healthy. I found people who valued my creative and intellectual input, as well as a value in myself. The visual work I do stems from the skills I learned back then, but it was my experiences performing that impressed on me that the Arts would always be a vital part of my life.

Who is your art mentor?

My first mentor was a director and tech theater teacher in my high school: Tim Hart. We called him "Heartless," because he was gruff and raucous. I once won "Best Thespian" in our department, and in my speech I told him (and most of the school board), "I would follow you into Hell, you magnificent son of a bitch!" I got detention for that one, but it was worth it. After moving to Humboldt, I met Duane Flatmo, a local muralist who helped me to understand what it takes to be an "artrepeneur." Duane taught me to get up and treat art like a job, work all day, make your clients happy, and save money from every check. He taught me that I don't have to be the best artist. I can go far by just being the one who shows up and is willing to do the work. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once: The world is run by whomever shows up!


Finish this sentence: My art is my...

... raison d'etre! Whether it's a deep seeded expression of my inner self, a commercial commission illustration or website, a collaboration with students, or just a larking song and dance number with my fellow Rutabaga Queens, my Art is my reason for living. It is my mission, my joy, and my gift to the world.

What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

Be yourself, always. Chase giggles. If something I am working on makes me laugh, I know I am heading in the right direction. Be honest with yourself, and let that honesty shine through in your work. It will touch something in people if it has your truth in it. Also, don't hesitate to call yourself an artist. I'll leave you with my favorite quote: "An artist is not a special kind of person. Every person is a special kind of artist." -Meister Eckhart

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