Jimmie Nord

What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?

Wood and metal are two materials I enjoy working with. While wood is warm, soft, and beautiful, it is an unforgiving material, easily splintering and breaking. Once it is cut, it cannot reintegrate into itself strongly. On the other hand, metal is cold, hard, and dirty, but forgiving as a material. Metal can be bent to change its form and welded to create strong bonds.

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

When I was growing up, I wasn't the biggest fan of school. To be honest, I experienced a lot of difficulty in a traditional learning environment. All through elementary school, I spent hours drawing after I came home. It allowed for me to feel successful and that I was good at something.

Who is your art mentor?

Mort Scott, Sondra Schwetman, and Martin Puryear.

Finish this sentence: My art is my...

drive to fulfill my dreams and to inspire others.

What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

Explore mediums; they will be your voice. Also, make lots of mistakes!

Do you have a website or blog you would like us to link to?


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