Jaimal Kordes

What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?

My favorite medium that I mostly use is water color and pen. I can do other kinds of media too like acrylic, oils, pastels, graphite, charcoal. I also do other kinds of media like film, performance dance.

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

Since I was probably 12, but I have been doing art since I was four. I worked my way up into that. I started oil painting when I was 12 and 13, and I realized, "Hey, I can do this." It was hard, because I was 12 years old, and doing something really difficult, but I did learn about colors, mixing, shade and highlight, proportion stuff. Then I realized, "Hey man I'm an Artist!" Then when I got into school, I learned how to do drafting and perspective, because the art teacher was a drafting teacher. He taught me how to draw houses, and use perspective. Then after high school, I didn't do anything. This is interesting because I was working on my personal issues, but the one thing I was missing on that was doing art. I think when you are an artist, you have to do art, or you go ... nutty. And that's how I knew I was an artist.

Who is your art mentor?

Yes, I have many art mentors! Most of the art mentors are at Trajectory. The facilitators, all of them, I look up to them so much. I learn a lot from them, and I love them to death, even though I can be a pain in the butt sometimes. They are like my family. I like to learn different techniques and different styles. I'm always willing to challenge myself, and learn from other artists. I will see what they do, and learn from them to try to use those tools in my own art. I can always ask for advice or help. I'm still learning. I like to collaborate with people and to learn.

Finish this sentence: My art is my...

My Art is my Life! It''s my religion, and if I don't do it, then I go nuts. Haha.

What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

If you know you are an artist, take it day by day, step by step, and you'll get there. You can be serious about it, or not be serious about it. Just know that it's a part of you. When you do art every day, it's from the heart and the mind, not from what you're drawing on or painting on. Art is always with you in your heart and your mind.

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