Hot Wheels League (HoWL)

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Now in its 7th year, Hot Wheels League (HoWL) is working to host incredible, exciting and fun events for kids who need to experience the benefits that play provides.

We are looking for people who love kids and Hot Wheels to support our efforts in giving kids a club of their own that makes their lives a little better every time they come and play. 

We offer fun event challenges, races and prizes using all the best Hot Wheels Track Sets and Cars. We even have Marvel and Star Wars Hot Wheels Character cars with new cars added every week.


I started the Hot Wheels League in 2014 together with my 8 year old son Julian. We thought it would just be a few kids at school that wanted to trade or maybe race some Hot Wheels cars. Man were we wrong. Once word spread we were asked if we could make HoWL an official class on campus. We started with 12 kids in a single class which grew to another 12 in a second class and even had a waiting list for a third class. In 2018 we transitioned out of the school and began HoWL at the local Boys and Girls Club. We wanted to offer all the fun and excitement of HoWL to the kids there. The response has been incredible. We are now looking to expand out in the community (with Covid-19 safety protocols in place) and show the world all the great things that kids get from participating in HoWL! We invite you to bring your kids and let them see for themselves. I promise the kids love it!


Our hope is to start transitioning to be able to bring HoWL to as many children as we possibly can. The dream is that EVERY CHILD who wants to come and play has a chance to do just that. Our stretch goal would be to cover this as a full time endeavor.  

Our plans include doing community events, school programs, private classes for children with special learning requirements or those who are disabled. We have found that HoWL is particularly well suited for those kids with social anxiety or who need extra special care. 


Materials: New track sets, Custom event display boards, Prize Speed Wall, Wall of Wheels

Prizes: Hot Wheels cars, Tracks sets, Custom Hot Wheels art  

Time: Event design, creation, rules, tracking and reporting. 

Overhead: Hosting HoWL sessions - staff, space rental, insurance, materials, special accomodations, etc. 

Creation: Materials for seasonal events (i.e. Marvel vs. Star Wars), Design & building all of the special challenges.

All this comes together to make an amazing experience for the kids.


If you agree that guided play in a supportive environment like the one The Hot Wheels League provides is important please donate now. I want everyone to be able to share in the success of seeing all children find a safe, positive place to play. HoWL thanks you.