The Herbal Guild
● Gather and strengthen our community through sharing the seeds of ancestral wisdom, science based regenerative skills, and reciprocal relationships
● Nourish a wellness culture that is interconnected, accessible and equitable
● Thrive in economically viable businesses that actively participate in environmental stewardship and build ecosystem resilience
The Herbal Guild intends to provide a hub for information and skill sharing through community gatherings and promoting alchemy between people and businesses with aligned values.
● Gather workshops, speaker series, information sharing, calendar, seasonal events
● Nourish intentional outreach, practitioner directory, newsletter, resources, library, regenerative volunteerism, environmental stewardship
● Thrive business development support, chapter expansion, community & school gardens, co-op opportunities, ethical wild crafting guide, supporting rematriation
Volunteer - no cash required, email required.
Freebie digital downloads, info re: workshop, affilliate discounts, newsletter to inbox (an amazing wealth of goodies, downloadable recipes cards, and herbal article), Seasonal Goddess Hikes
Monthly: $13
Signing up for ongoing monthly donation gets you everything a volunteer gets, plus FREE attendance to all ONLINE speaker series, discount to digital downloads (eg.Quick Reference guide), Discount to in-person offers (workshops, speaker series, seasonal events), and FREE entry into the Wincer Solstice Celebration 2023? (Items not included in single 1 month signup.)
Lifetime: $1,111
Help Seed the Guild! Unlimited, Lifetime access. You're all in and so are we! You receive everything a volunteer, and monthly donor gets plus No additional fees for any of our offerings including resources, downloads. etc! Limited time Offer: help Seed the Guild! $1100 (one time donation)
Choose donate here to become a member.
Want to support The Herbal Guild, but don’t want to be a member? Submit a one-time or ongoing donation below: