Randy Turner

What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?

For making my wall hanging salmon, birds eye redwood has such a beautiful look when finished. For making Lichtenberg fractal art, I love working with MDF or pressed board since it doesn't have wood grain and can allow me to guide the Lichtenberg patterns where I want them to go rather than having the wood grain determine the pattern. An experienced woodworker may cringe at MDF but for what I do, it's pretty amazing.

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

Since I was a kid, I enjoyed making crafty gifts but didn't think of myself as an artist because I couldn't draw or paint well. Now that I've found a different form of art to work on, it's opened up my world of what I can create and I finally think of myself as an artist (even though my day job is an environmental scientist).

Who is your art mentor?

Ed Moeller was a college roommate at HSU that was oozing with artistic talent and was inspirational and challenged me to try to express myself. For more recent inspiration for Lichtenberg techniques, A YouTuber 'DoubleReno' has really good videos about techniques and safety that have been a great source of information. Since people have been dying in recent years as Lichtenberg techniques have caught on, I can't emphasize enough about following redundant safety protocols and being smart when the electricity is on! Don't turn it on unless you're sure you're safe.

Finish this sentence: My art is my...

creative outlet.

What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

Follow your dreams and if you think you've made a mistake and don't appreciate a piece you completed, someone might just think it's perfect.

Do you have a website or blog you would like us to link to?

Instagram @wavecrest.designs

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