
What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?

Monotype printing has been my main medium: it is quick, can be spontaneous or more carefully planned out in advance. The inks are pigment rich and can provide bold colors as well as subtlety.

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

In elementary school several forces collided: playing out in nature and experiencing its magic and wonder, reading Beatrix Potter illustrated books, and being exposed to museums and museum catalogs.

Who is your art mentor?

Fred Schwab, who used to run the Ink People print lab, inspired me to print, to set aside regular time every week to work and to keep experimenting with ink. In recent years three local women printmakers have steadfastly offered feedback and encouragement while providing invaluable inspiration. They also remind me to honor my dreams and ideas.

Finish this sentence: My art is my...

My art is my salvation. Trite as it may sound, it is the truth! It can be calming and healing, it can be frustrating and challenging, but the connecting with people which it provides is priceless. Hearing people's reactions, their emotions and stories in relation to experiencing my art, has provided nourishment, strength and hope.

What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

Give yourself time, make time to keep at whatever is compelling you. Trust yourself, ignore friends and family who question your art endeavors. Reach out to artists.

Do you have a website or blog you would like us to link to?

@patriciasennott, patricia sennott art on facebook

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