Alex Chesstell


What is your favorite art medium to work in, and why?


Acrylic paint. I find it very satisfying to work with, and it's much more versatile than people tend to think. I also love it because it was my introduction to painting. I love how accessible acrylics are to beginner painters, and how there are tons of ways to use it. I feel like I'm always learning something new when I use acrylic paint.  

When did you first figure out that art was important to you?

Oh, probably as soon as someone put a crayon in my hand. I've always loved to create and I have always kept stashes of sketchbooks and art supplies close by. I first realized how much I needed it when I was in high school, and I was going through a really awful time. 

 Having art as an outlet for me to dive into was such a relief at the end of a long day, or even in the middle of it. Art was my greatest comfort then, and it's also when I really started to grow as an artist and develop my desire to learn about painting.

Who is your art mentor?


Hands down, my high school art teacher, Lorrie Moten. She was really the first person to see what I was making and show me where I needed to do better. She was gentle and encouraging, but also my first critic. Lori taught me the basics of painting in a way that totally clicked with me. What she taught me, everything from basic color theory to holding a brush the right way, I still use today. I'll never forget her frustration with me dawdling over finishing a piece, making needless changes, and she looked at me and said, "It's fine. Just FINISH it." It's honestly been my mantra ever since, especially when i find myself repainting the same spot for the 15th time.  

Finish this sentence: My art is my...

release valve.

What advice would you offer someone just beginning their exploration of their own artistic self?

Learn everything you can about the medium you're interested in. I fell out of regular art practice for a long time, and when I was trying to rediscover myself, I found that watching basic art tutorials on YouTube were so helpful. If you want to sculpt, or paint, or needle felt, or whatever, there is absolutely someone making helpful videos. Learn the basics and then you can really play with your chosen medium in fun ways. But also: Don't be afraid to try EVERYTHING. I've tried a huge variety of other media (there are so many cool ways to make art!) and I kept coming back to acrylic painting, and that's what I've really delved into.

Do you have a website or blog you would like us to link to?

Instagram: @alexsdarkarts 

Karen Asbury